If you want to finish downloading as quickly as possible, make sure you use only the fastest VPN services. In addition to encrypting your traffic and hiding your IP, they will also help you avoid ISP bandwidth throttling
BitTorrent had to come first on this list, if only because it was the first name that sprung to mind, and we expect it will be familiar to most of our readers. It is billed as being a relatively risk-free torrent option that comes completely free.
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Lots of adverts are another problem, but hey, for a free torrent downloader, that is to be expected. A neat feature allows you to schedule speed caps so that your downloads will only happen during certain times in the week.
This is certainly a less well-known torrent client on the Google App Store. Nevertheless, it is a fine choice for those wishing to torrent files on their phone. It is very pared down and lacks complex features.
One notable thing is that you can set CatTorrent to download only while your phone is charging. This one gets very mixed reviews and is probably not worth the risk when far superior options are already on this list.
You can reduce your data consumption by setting the app to only download torrents when connected to Wifi. The very simple interface is somewhat ruined by the millions of results a search brings up.
We want to preface our conclusion to the top Frostwire alternatives with a question that comes up a lot: is Frostwire safe? Indeed this is a question that applies to all torrent sites. The answer is yes, but with some caveats.
A VPN, or virtual private network, will help you stay safe, especially because the files we torrent often are protected under copyright. When you connect to the internet, your IP address reveals your location. This is visible to all the people using the torrent. By using a VPN, you misdirect people away from your true IP.
I enjoy working with lightweight software options, and I certainly know that utorrent is skilled at releasing lightweight applications. Though the adverts placed on utorrent can still be improved upon in order not to interfere with user experience.
I'm completely new to this so any info that anyone can provide would be very much appreciated. My download says it's still seeding and has been for rouhgly 57 minutes. "Remaining" shows oo. Any idea why?
I'm assuming you left your utorrent with the default settings. This means that the torrent will not be officially "finished" until it has a ratio 1.5, meaning you have seeded all you have download, plus 50%.
But I think its good to give back 1.5 as long as you have the bandwidth and it doesnt kill your network. Some torrent sites actually have it as a requirement that you do at least 1.0 otherwise they kick you off the site. These keeps people from leeching
please i downloaded a download (chessmaster vi Grandmaster editoin) 3.58gb size.completed it it was in a rar fomat and i unziped it using 7zip.now i got into the folder and saw the downloaded file as .MDF file.
Also, to your question about how long seeding should take, it actually varies between different torrents. There is no truly definite time that every seeding torrent must follow. So... just wait till the ratio's 1.5 and I think that'll be it. As debigG rightfully says, it is good to give back to the community! And, if I'm not wrong, the download speed will increase too! Technorabbit :-)
Im also new to the entire scene, but its been downloading overnight and i dont know how long it been downloading but it says seeding 0 of 369(170 in swarm) and peers 15 of 160 (50 in sawrm) i have no idea what this means or how long its going to take.
am completely new to all this torrent thing and i would want to know if the torrent ''quality'' can and have an effect on the performance of the torrent i have downloaded and if its possible that as a result the torrent is installing but will not run because i have not installed direct x, when i fact i have direct x 11 on my system , help is what i desire
Chichi-9 - uTorrent is a data file mover. And that is all. What you download may or may not affect the performance of your computer - when you install it. It may or may not be valid software. It may or may not have a virus. That is the chance you take when you download copyright software, etc. and put it on your computer. There is NO way for anyone here to guess what will happen to your computer when you install software downloaded from the web. There is no way (unless someone here has already installed that specific software - and I mean by downloading the same torrent that you did) for anyone to answer you. For example, You could download a torrent that contains software xyz. I could download a different torrent that contains software xyz and it works for me but not for you simply because the uploader on my torrent gave me a valid software image, but yours, wanting to be cute placed a virus in his version to mess with your computer. Downloading anything from the web is a risk. If you are not willing to take it - do not download.
I tried to download the installation file for Salome-Meca 2021 several times. Every download attempt terminated after downloading a part (2.5-3.4GB) of the file. I used different browsers under Windows (Firefox, Chrome, Edge), Linux (Firefox) and macos (Safari).
I have been trying to download the container image for last 4 days without success. I use wget -c by default to download large files. But in this case the connection gets reset automatically after a few minutes. So in total I now have about 3.3 GB in 4 days. There is definitely some issue with the file server. I hope the admin looks into this issue.
Restarting from that point is not an issue. wget -c does the same thing and restarts the download from the point it interrupted. But the main issue is server connection gets lost every time after a few minutes. Even the download speed is very low. As a result with low speed and incremental download I could manage only 3.5 GB so far.
Since it was released, the SM-2021 container download fails repeatedly, and manual restart seems to be the only option, whether downloaded in browser or using wget. Download stops at about every 100MB or so. Hope developers would look into the server issue soon. However, one good news: there is another container (Courtesy Mario and Nicola) at
Hi, I have downloaded salome_meca-lgpl-2021.0.0-0-20210601-scibian-9.sif a couple of times. I get md5sum c34331b7c3161021cb20731cd9a16b16 which is different from on the code-aster.org download page 65e153eaf43edcd3b671d41194936f53. -Is my file corrupt? -is the checksum on the download page wrong? -someone else experience the same?BR/Micke
There are two tools that can help anonymize your torrents. One is a proxy, the other is a VPN (Virtual Private Network). One study found that over 25% of bittorrent users are using one or both of these technologies to keep their torrent history private. 2ff7e9595c