Want to visit Tatooine? If so, take a trip to Death Valley National Park! The famous Star Wars movie series filmed scenes in the park for Episode IV - A New Hope and Episode V - Return of the Jedi.Download the free NPS App to enjoy a guided driving audio tour of the spectacular Death Valley locations featured in Star Wars.
At the same time, the phrase "the valley of ashes" connects to the Biblical "the valley of the shadow of death" found in Psalm 23. In the psalm, this terrifying place is made safe by the presence of God. But in the novel, the valley has no divine presence or higher moral authority. Instead, the ashes point to the inexorable march toward death and dissolution, linking this valley with the Anglican burial services reminder that the body is "ashes to ashes, dust to dust." Even when George tries to sense a divine presence through the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg, the fact that no one else is impacted by this billboard's inanimate presence ultimately dooms George as well.
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Myrtle Wilson: George's wife remains vibrant and colorful despite her 11 years living in the middle of the ash heaps. Her dreams of escape enable her to avoid being covered with the dust that ends up burying everyone else. However, because her path to leaving centers on Tom, the valley of ashes ends up being Myrtle's death trap.
Motif: Cars. Although most of the time, the novel treats cars as a dangerous, exciting, and liberating mode of transportation, these positive qualities fade away whenever cars enter the valley of death:
For even more explosive adventures in The Terminator universe,check out The Terminator: Death Valley comic. To celebrate therelease of this new game, Dark Horse is making the first issueavailable for a free download for a limited time. All four issuesare available for download now at